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25 Discussions Every Couple Needs To Have Before Getting Married

Are you planning to get married?

Marriage is truly a big life decision. It’s considered a milestone. Something that takes a lot of work, effort and time to reach.

I am happy that you and your partner are on this path.

I want to share with you something that I share with all my premarital couples. It’s a system that focuses on three components. The three components help couples have a toolbox loaded with strategies and education that creates marriage success.

The three components are:

  • Identifying the core areas that build and nourish the relationship.
  • Focusing on predictors that often lead to separation and divorce.
  • Providing education surrounding intimacy, communication, trust, respect, and conflict resolution.

The system that I describe above comes directly from my premarital course. It’s an online guided marriage preparation course that helps couples who are planning to get married build the foundation to a lasting life together.

Below are discussion topics that every couple should have before getting married.


  1. What does commitment mean to you?
  2. What are three core values you desire in marriage?
  3. How do you resolve conflict?
  4. What do you do when you get upset?
  5. How do you receive support?
  6. What is your actual debt?
  7. How do you plan to deal with family dynamic issues?
  8. How you plan to raise our kids?
  9. Do you want kids?
  10. Are you open to adoption?
  11. Where do you see yourself in 30 years?
  12. How do you plan to support me?
  13. How much space do you need during conflict?
  14. Are you comfortable doing things on your own?
  15. What activities would you like to do together?
  16. How often should we have date nights?
  17. Where do you want to spend holidays?
  18. What are your deal breakers?
  19. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
  20. How should we split the chores?
  21. What are your secrets?
  22. Where do you plan to raise our family?
  23. How do you want to plan for retirement?
  24. Are you willing to move for work?
  25. Why do you want to marry me?

As you take time to review and reflect on each question, I hope that growth takes place. As a relationship counselor, I use questions, just like the ones I have shared to create growth and understanding.

If you are planning to get married or are in a serious relationship. A committed relationship that you truly respect, value and wish to nourish. Explore the marriage preparation course.

CLICK HERE to see how the course can improve your relationship and ability to work together.


The course includes 4 lessons, 6 exercises, and 1 coaching call to review the course, ask questions and work on change. The lessons are divided into 9 guided sections. 2 Bonus materials are included as well as a copy of Mr. Santos latest relationship book Couples Workbook: Making Your Relationship Work.

“The course provides activities that you can complete and guidance to improve the relationship. I look forward to our coaching call”

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