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Group Therapy Helps Teen With Anxiety and Depression

Benefits of Group Therapy

Why group therapy?

The Therapy group is the perfect place for kids seeking a safe space to build a support system, gain coping skills, and connect. Groups create an incredible support system to connect to other people going through similar challenges. In a group, you don’t have to go through your trauma or difficult experience alone.

Groups allow connection to take in ways that often are rare to experience. For instance, kids get to connect with other kids who have shared a similar experience or situation. This helps your child realize that they are not alone and that they can move forward with confidence and empowerment.

What does a typical counseling group session look like?

Right off the bat, it’s going to be a little weird. But, in the best of ways (smiley face emoji). During our group sessions, we sit in a circular format as this allows your child to have a voice, break the uncomfortable ice, engage in conversation, and most importantly connect!

The group is limited to 6 participants. 

This allows your child to have space to talk, build “meaningful relationships”, and gain coping skills aimed at overcoming challenges.

Everyone in the group will have a fair chance to engage and share. This is not a group environment that’s going to push participants to share, instead, the focus is on “interaction and genuine connection”.  Communicating and connecting in such a meaningful way.

This is a great fit for kids experiencing: sadness, low self-esteem, bullying, or difficulty controlling worry or stress. If your child finds it difficult to overcome adversity, to accept him/herself, or to view themselves in a positive light join the Therapy Group.

This group creates empowerment among teens by helping them overcome falls, and gain support and skills to improve self-worth and confidence.


As the facilitator, my job is to engage with the group. Build value and interaction as they share experiences and overcome challenges. Connection is an important component to the group as people in general tend to feel more supported and empowered when connected with others. Lastly, have fun. This is supposed to be a fun & supportive environment!

Is group therapy right for my child?

As the facilitator, I make it a priority to screen applicants. This allows for issues like “What if someone in the group is in my class” to be addressed prior to the first meeting. The screening process helps the group succeed by ensuring the participants are appropriately placed.

This is the right group for any child who has ever said…

  • “No one understands me”
  • “I’m ugly”
  • “No one gets me”
  • “I feel everyone judges me”
  • “I’m not good enough”




If you are not certain, please list what you feel would be the most important primary service to start with. The intake coordinator will support you during the scheduling process.
Please check multiple age boxes if needed. Please only add information you are comfortable sharing. This is not a HIPAA compliant form. The completion of the form does not establish a counselor and client relationship. ​If you're experiencing a crisis that can't wait, please first contact 911 or go directly to your nearest emergency department.