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7 Ways A Weighted Blanket Can Help With Anxiety and Sleep

What is a weighted blanket?

A weighted blanket is a blanket that one can purchase to use for varying needs. The weight of the blanket depends on the size and even the needs of a person. For instance, a person that struggles with anxiety may find that at night they become restless.

The person’s legs at night move, they notice their heart rate accelerates and often moves to different positions until hours later falling asleep. The weighted blanket can provide a sense of pressure which works to relieve the bad or unwanted symptoms. The symptoms that can be reduced include restlessness, worry, feeling on edge, unwanted movement, and more.

A supportive tool to use for anxiety and in general to provide calmness is a weighted blanket. Try a weighted blanket CLICK HERE or follow the link The weighted blanket works to reduce fidgety behavior, restlessness, and unwanted movement. In addition, the weight from the blanket helps a person to feel a sense of comfort such as that when being held as a child.

How can a weighted blanket help?

The 7 ways that a weighted blanket can help are shared below. You may find that your needs do not connect to the listed items. If so, take time to read over the weighted blanket. You may still find it beneficial to use it. Outside of mental health benefits, people have shared that the weighted blanket can help as a form of healthy comfort.  

Before diving into the reading, know that when you decide to purchase a weighted blanket take time to read over the description. Most companies will have details on the appropriate size to purchase.


1. Sensory therapy.

 Sensory therapy is often connected to Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, and Asperger’s among other Disorders. The basis is that with the disorders, a person typically experiences a sense of excessive movement. The movement can be seen by the person being restless, struggling to sit still, hyperactive, or tics.

The weighted blanket can provide sensory therapy due to the pressure from the blanket creating a positive impact on pain, reduction in stress, comfort, and a sense of safety.


2. Calming the nervous system.

The pressure that comes from a weighted blanket usually ranges from 2 pounds over 20. The weight depends on the size of the person and their needs. Using a weighted blanket can help to calm nerves simply due to the pressure.

Consider if you feel that your legs are restless. Moving to the point that you feel disrupted. If you place a blanket that weighs several pounds on top of your legs they are likely to remain still and reach a level of comfort.


3. To help with sleep.

Weighted blankets are commonly purchased to support a person achieve a better level of sleep. One of the key reasons why is because the weight from the blanket tends to provide a similar effect as what is typically seen when waddling babies.

Consider a newborn. Parents often waddle their childlike making a tight burrito. No humor intended. When a child is wrapped in their blanket, there arms and legs are restructured from unwanted movements that could disrupt sleep or get in the way of not achieving healthy sleep.


4. To help with focus and concentration. 

A person may enjoy reading while using a weighted blanket because the weight from the blanket provides a sense of stability and comfort. The weight from the blanket may help the person feel that they can focus better on the task at hand.


5. When feeling overwhelmed or on edge.

Think about what causes you to feel on edge or overwhelmed? Is it certain situations or interactions with others? Often when person feels on edge or overwhelmed they may experience physical symptoms as well. These can include rapid heart rate and restlessness.

The weighted blanket is one of many tools that can be used to support a person with building calmness, reducing tension, and supporting to address symptoms connected to anxiety. Please know that the link in the reading is an affiliate link, the weighted blanket is a product that we trust and think can be of support.


6. When experiencing hyperactivity

ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The diagnosis is connected to the following symptoms: hyperactivity, problems focusing and concentrating, difficulty finishing tasks, problems making decisions, restlessness, feeling fidgety and on edge. Using a weighted blanket can help to address symptoms of ADHD.

Consider if you are experiencing restlessness and struggling to remain in your position. Such as a child that is sitting down to do their homework. The weighted blanket can help to soothe the hyperactive energy that the child feels so that they are able to focus on their task and complete the work that they are doing.


Try a weighted blanket CLICK HERE or follow the link



7. Weighted Blanket Can Help Autism

Autism Spectrum disorder is often connected to sensory and experiencing stress or anxiety during social situations. A person on the Autism Spectrum may find it beneficial to engage in sensory-related activities such as of sand therapy or in this example the weighted blanket.

The weighted blanket can support in aiding the person to improve their skill of focusing on a task, reduce stress, alleviate anxiety, block out unwanted senses. For instance, if one is experiencing over-stimulation due to there being too many things going on. Such as too many people speaking at the same time or too many noises. The weighted blanket can support by creating a positive pressure that reduces the over-stimulation.

A recent article with Penn Medicine dives further into the benefits of the weighted blanket, Click Here to check it out.

Research on weighted blankets continues to be conducted. The reading is based on our research, experience with those we serve, and is not meant to be a clinical diagnosis or provide clinical treatment in any way.


Try a weighted blanket CLICK HERE or follow the link

When to not use a weighted blanket?

One key factor to consider when it comes to a weighted blanket is that it is a blanket and that it holds weight. With this in mind take time to consult your physician. Consider the weight and size of a person. For instance, a weighted blanket on an infant would not be appropriate as that may lead to suffocation or creating hurt due to ot the pressure from the blanket.

In addition to the weight and size of a person, areas such as sleep apnea, epilepsy, skin allergies, allergies, and breathing problems should be considered. For instance, a person that experiences breathing difficulties may not find that a weighted blanket is a good fit due to the blanket creating unwanted pressure on the body that further negatively impacts breathing.


Where to purchase a weighted blanket?

Try a weighted blanket CLICK HERE or follow the link

To further explore learning and understanding a weighted blanket take time to connect with a counselor at Santos Counseling PLLC. You may find that some of the counselors use them. Your counselor can share the benefits and provide their clinical recommendations focused on your treatment.