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How To Value Your Child

6 tweens and teens talking about their deepest emotional difficulties. Sharing the highs and lows of their life. Group therapy is in my opinion an amazing environment that helps people come together over common issues and gain confidence and education to move forward.

Is your tween or teen struggling with?

  • Peer pressure
  • Fitting in
  • Self-Esteem
  • Bullying
  • Academic demands

This list can really go on to bigger and more difficult areas. As a therapist that works with tween and teens, I tell parents that the benefits of group therapy start with a spike in energy. Participants experience a change in mood that aids them in learning their mental health difficulties and building coping skills to live the life that each desire.

Communication, is great place to start understanding your child’s needs. Below is a guide that can help you as a parent open the line of communication with your child and gain a stronger understanding of their mental health needs.

Areas to improve parenting:

  • Strive to allow your child to explain him/herself without interruption.
  • Focus on using the following statements: “help me understand”; “I really want to see your point of view”; “can you tell me how it impacted you”; “what type of reaction or response would you like from me as your parent”.
  • Reduce criticism
  • Reduce lecturing
  • Reduce judgment
  • Increase activities that focus on relationship building. These include: date nights, engaging in common hobbies, obstacle course, or training for a 5k.
  • Allow your child to evaluate your parenting.

Overall, the goal is to create a relationship that highlights EMPATHY, UNDERSTANDING, SUPPORT, GUIDANCE AND LOVE.

To show or demonstrate empathy, understanding, support, guidance, and love means that you have to value your child.

The principle of valuing others is one that needs to be part of parenting and the parent-child relationship.

Start by focusing on the following areas of value:

  • Acceptance. Value your child by working to accept him/her. Your child may not a sport fan. That’s okay. The important area of focus is that this is your child and you should work to accept him/her. Acceptance can be demonstrated by engaging in acts of kindness and through simple statements that show concern.
  • Identity. As a therapist, it’s is vital to my work that I strive to see from the eyes of another. As a parent, focus on understanding your child’s identity. Demonstrate that you are willing and yearning to learn and explore their world. Differences are meant to bring us together.
  • Emotions. Talk to your child about their experiences and their feelings. Listen without judgement. Learn without lecturing. Work to explore their feelings in a manner is free of judgment and filled with understanding.

If you find yourself struggling to understand your child. To help him/her overcome emotional challenges. Please feel welcome to call me 336-707-1723. Together we can explore the option of group therapy or individual.