Therapy For Anger Management
Anger is a natural emotion that shows up based on what is happening in the mind and the things that impact us from the outside. The last thing you want to happen is for your anger to get in the way of things that you do.
Anger can come from an unexpected flat tire to someone not meeting your expectations.
Our Greensboro office specializes in supporting you to understand the root of your anger and create a clear process that helps you respond to life in a constructive and effective way.
Try Group Therapy
Our counseling office offers group therapy for adults. This can be a wonderful setting to receive support for anger along with other areas connected to coping skills.
Common Symptoms and Behaviors of Anger
- Your anger is hurting the people you care about and taking away daily opportunities.
- Someone close to you has asked that you seek professional support.
- You are aware of your behaviors and desire to find a way to regain control over your life.
- You find it difficult not to act on impulse.
- Your anger is seen through physical acts such as pushing items or throwing objects.
- Your anger is seen through verbal acts such as yelling negative comments that you later regret.
Topics Covered In The Anger Management
Anger Management: Understanding Anger
What is anger? How does anger start? Why do some people struggle with anger? All of these questions and more are ones that are explored during the first sessions. The goal is to build education in understanding anger. Often to create growth we must take time to understand why the issue is taking place in the first place.

Anger Management: Anger Causes and Triggers
During this time, the focus is on getting to know yourself. Building an understanding of what causes you to go from 0 to 100. Exploring all the triggers that provoke you to feel frustrated or to want to say something out of character or do something that you later regret. Healing from anger takes place when there is space to become educated on the triggers and find ways to overcome them.

Anger Management: Understanding The Anger Cycle
The topic here is focused on understanding the anger cycle. During the time we explore diving into the build-up of anger, evaluating aggressive behaviors non-verbal and verbal actions, identifying explosiveness and lashing out, and digging into the after-effects of what takes place when lashing out and exploding.

Anger Management: Managing Anger And Living Your Best Life
The focus is to develop a healthy alternative for anger. Life is bound to continue to throw curveballs. It’s important to develop a clear understanding of how to react to what life brings. When it comes to anger, the focus in this session is to develop values, habits, practices, and behaviors that foster a space to manage anger. Examples of what will take place include: “I” statements (expressing yourself effectively), Alternative healthy behaviors, and physical, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive cues.

For more supportive reads and resources aimed to help you with anger management follow the links below.