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Ways To Help Your Child With Stress And Worry Using Play Therapy

Ways To Help Your Child With Stress And Worry Using Play Therapy


Do you feel overwhelmed?

Do you feel a level of stress that seems to not go away?


Feeling overwhelmed or stressed is not something that happens in a matter of days. It’s built. Very much like building wall with Legos. I assume that as you reflect on stress, you are able to identify just how long your child has been experiencing stress.

If possible, ask your child any of the variations below.


Ways to ask your child if they are overwhelmed:

  • How long have you been feeling like you are doing too much?
  • How long have you been feeling tired?
  • How long have you been feeling stressed?


You may even be aware of some of the reasons why your child is experiencing stress or being overwhelmed.


Counseling For Kids In Greensboro, NC Helping Kids With Anxiety, Stress, And Worry.

Common reasons why kids feel overwhelmed:

Perfectionist attitude.

Your child may be overly critical of themselves. They may display a struggle to have realistic expectations.

One of the first places to go is self-compassion. When your child is feeling overwhelmed and overly stressed, try to continue to teach them how to be their own best friend. You can model this behavior by showing them ways that a best friend would treat their friend.  

By modeling the behavior, you are teaching your child how to remove unhealthy expectations and shift away from the perfectionist attitude.As your child is navigating life, consider asking them to give themselves doses of self-compassion by using the strategies below.

Each morning spends 5 minutes writing down the positive affirmations. The affirmations can focus on words of encouragement, praise, and appreciation. Below are examples of affirmations that your child can practice. Please know that working with a play therapist can provide your child with guidance in developing skills to improve their mental health, reduce stress, and build calmness.


Common affirmations to help kids with stress and worry:

  • I give myself permission to slow down.
  • It’s okay for me to cry.
  • It’s okay if I don’t know.
  • I am allowed to feel.
  • I am proud of myself.
  • I am thankful that my body takes care of me.
  • The people around me care about me.


During the day try to slow down to be mindful of the positive moments. An example of this is if you notice that you do an act of kindness for yourself. Try to slow down and praise yourself. This is a wonderful activity to teach your child when they are feeling overwhelmed. The practice your child takes a step by, reframe their mindset and address life in a healthy way.


Common symptoms that your child may feel when experiencing stress:

  • Sadness.
  • Difficulty getting out of bed.
  • Trouble making decisions.
  • Bad or unwanted thoughts.
  • Being overly critical of themselves.
  • A decrease in physical exercise.
  • Losing control of your motor skills.


How counseling can help your child with stress and worry:

Working with a play therapist can provide your child with a space to identify the root of the stress and worry. Counseling can help your child build skills that they can carry in life. Skills ranging from coping skills to address emotional challenges to mindset shifts aimed to help them navigate life.


Common ways counseling can help your child with stress and worry:

  • Build healthy coping skills.
  • Learn how to balance life and school.
  • Develop self-care practices.
  • Create healthy expectations.

Therapy For Kids That Struggle With Stress And Worry. Contact Our Counseling Office.

To learn about play therapy check out the readings below:

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