How To Get Better Sleep

Learn How To Get Better Sleep

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We offer 3 of our best self-help therapy products absolutely FREE. We do this because you may not be ready to start counseling yet. And that’s okay.


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Ways To Stop Fighting In Your Relationship

You’ll Likely Get Separated If Fighting Continues

Couples that argue or engage in hurtful conflict are more likely to experience emotional pain or feelings of insecurity.

Partners that struggle with respect and boundaries are more likely to low Tolerance for one another.

Consider how much you love your partner. Consider all the work that has taken place to nourish the relationship.


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Love and Politics: How Politics Impact Relationships

How Important Is Politics In Relationships?

Today I had the privilege of being interviewed by News 2, reporter Carly Fynn Morgan, with the subject on “ The Politics of Love: Choosing a Partner Based on Party – WFMY”


As a relationship counselor, I strongly believe that similarities aid our ability to grow closer together. It’s the same reason why parents spend time engaging in activities that their kids like to do.


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Guide To Managing Anxiety

Anxiety and Depression can really be a pain in the rear end.

See how this book can improve your life

This book is the perfect pocket guide to managing anxiety. As you start reading you will learn exactly how to control your anxiety at home, work or while in the community. The goal here is simple. I created a book, that helps you say F! YOU to anxiety. 

This book helps you understand that the focal point about anxiety is that if it controls you, life becomes overwhelming and difficult. 

Yet, if you learn to control anxiety, life becomes what you make of it. 

Less worry, more enjoyment, and fulfillment. 


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