How To Get Along With Your Significant Other
The first step is to be more understanding, patient, and creative in assisting your partner with the changes.
5 ways to strengthen connection:
- Be creative and have a picture or wall décor that reminds your husband to do the activities that you are requesting. For instance, if you want him to put the toilet sit down – have a picture of it in the restroom.
- Sync your phone calendar with his. Add the daily to-do list and be sure to send him reminders (regardless if he does not have to do it – you simply want him involved and up to date).
- Have a common calendar on the fridge or somewhere in the house that gets a lot of foot traffic. Give him a task on the calendar.
- Allocate one hour per week to “identifying changes the two of you are working on in order to strengthen your relationship”.
- Provide praise and a “high five” each time he is able to follow through. I understand that this sounds silly. If you think about how silly it is that someone would become upset over a toilet seat being left up when there are so many other “bigger and more important things in life” to worry about – “it should make sense” why both parties feel the way they do.
There are so many ways that couples can grow distant from each other. Sometimes it is over bigger things like “dishonesty or cheating on your partner”. Other times, it is over daily acts. Often couples I see for couples counseling come to me because of issues such as “my husband is too lazy” or “lack of communication” (among others).
One important factor to remember as you work to strengthen your relationship is that “it is your job to sharpen your relationship”. When you see or feel something that is not working – ADDRESS it and WORK through it. Couples counseling is a wonderful space to address challenges and create growth.
How Couples Counseling Can Help
- Improve communication.
- Develop healthy ways to address conflict.
- Create a healthy foundation focused on values and respect.
- Learn how to foster love.
- Support each other’s individually while building your relationship.