7 Ways A Weighted Blanket Can Help With Anxiety and Sleep

What is a weighted blanket?

A weighted blanket is a blanket that one can purchase to use for varying needs. The weight of the blanket depends on the size and even the needs of a person. For instance, a person that struggles with anxiety may find that at night they become restless.

The person’s legs at night move, they notice their heart rate accelerates and often moves to different positions until hours later falling asleep. The weighted blanket can provide a sense of pressure which works to relieve the bad or unwanted symptoms. The symptoms that can be reduced include restlessness, worry, feeling on edge, unwanted movement, and more.


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5 Way To Be A Better Father

How to be a better father

  • Do you ever find yourself thinking, how can I show up as a better father?
  • How can I be a better role model for my kids?


They are great questions.

In essence, parenting is a journey that deserves attention.

I’ve met plenty of dads. Some share that they had a challenging upbringing which results in a present-day struggle to develop a healthy relationship with their child. Not due to their lack of desire, instead, due to exposure.

Some dads share that they are driven by what they lacked during their development. For instance, the lack of quality time may drive a parent to spend more time with their child.

The focus of this article is to provide tools aimed to help you become a better father.


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