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Learn How To Tame Negative Thoughts

Do you struggle with depression?

Living with depression does not mean that you have to stop living your life. You can strive. You can have happiness and live your best life. As a counselor, I help people understand and tame their depression.

During the COVID epidemic, our office continues to provide counseling for individuals, couples, and families using online counseling. Online counseling works very similar to face to face counseling. You have a private and secure environment to build a beautiful connection aimed at aiding you in your journey of life.

CLICK HERE to see which counselor is a good fit for you.

When it comes to your life, I want you to spend time listening to depression.

  • What does depression look like?
  • How does depression influence your thoughts and feelings? 
  • What do you do to tame depression?

Living with depression is simply difficult. One of my clients once told me that the depression resembled the curve balls life throws at us. Each curveball hitting us right on the behind.

Common symptoms of depression include:

  • Problems sleeping.
  • Irregular changes in appetite such as feeling overly hungry or lacking an appetite.
  • Feeling irregular.
  • Irregular changes in focus or concentration.
  • Experiencing low interest.
  • Crying or wanting to cry but not being able to.
  • Muscle tension or aches.
  • Little to no energy.
  • Hand tremors.

With depression, it is important not only to have a healthy mindset but also a strong cheat sheet of coping skills. These are skills that give you strength, resilience, and empowerment to overcome/manage your skills.

In your process of understanding depression, take time to explore the following questions:

In your process with evaluation, take time to answer or review the following:

  • When was the last time I felt depressed?
  • What is my definition of depression?
  • What causes me to feel sad or depressed?
  • Have I tried depression therapy?
  • What do I normally do when I am feeling depressed or sad?

Working with a counselor through face to face counseling or online counseling can help to reduce depression symptoms.

Depression therapy can help by providing coping skills. The coping skills are used as a type of therapy for anxiety and depression. Below are coping skills to address depression:

  • Practicing deep breathing.
  • Creating a to-do list focused on the organization.
  • Spending time with peers.
  • Engaging in fun or pleasurable activities.
  • Taking breaks from work.
  • Taking breaks from social media.
  • Going for a walk or jog.
  • Exercising 3 to 4 days per week.