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Children Grief Counseling In Greensboro North Carolina

Children Grief Counseling In Greensboro, NC

You may think to yourself, what does grief counseling look like for kids?

In full transparency, it’s a journey.

A journey that includes highs and lows. Grief counseling for kids explores sadness, anger, contentment, bliss, numbness, and so many more feelings.

Your child is able to above all else have a safe and nonjudgmental place. A safe place if you will.

A place where they can work fast or slow. Together with the counselor, your child will be able to work through the grief that they have experienced.

At times the grief counseling for kids extends beyond a conversation. Grief counseling can include going for a walk with your child.As a counselor that works with kids, I have walked side by side with clients at nearby parks. Our counseling office is located in Greensboro, North Carolina. We are right near some pretty neat parks.

One in particular that I like and visit frequently is military park.

Kids sometimes differ from adults when it comes to grieving a loss. I’ve noticed that going for walks, playing games, or even coloring while talking opens the door for healing.

I want to share with you, ways that you as a parent can know if your child would benefit from grief counseling.

Common Signs That Your Child May Benefit From Grief Counseling

  • Crying spells.
  • Not sleeping well.
  • You have noticed that your child is less interested in previously pleasurable activities. Such as, less interested in playing sports.
  • Withdrawing from others. You may notice that your child is emotionally and physically distant.
  • Uncalled for emotional outburst. Such as anger outbursts.
  • Irregular appetite. Your child may experience an increase or decrease in their typical nutrition.


The list above includes only a few signs that your child may benefit from grief counseling. Grief can show up in varying ways. Some kids after the loss of a loved one may display loud and easy-to-spot signs.

One common example is withdrawal. Your child may isolate and reduce interaction. You may notice that your child gets home from school and goes straight to their room. Whereas in the past, prior to the passing of the loved one your child actively interacted with family members and friends.

At times, kids during the grief process may show signs that are a bit more difficult to spot. You may notice that they continue to show up and socialize. Yet, at school, your child may be disengaging.


Common Losses That Children Experience

  • Loss of a loved one. Such as a parent.
  • Loss of a pet.
  • Moving or relocating. This can cause a child to loss connection with individuals such as friends.
  • Loss from divorce. Such as going from a two parent to one parent household.
  • Loss of a personal item. Such as a picture or special blanket.
  • Loss is not fixed.
  • We experience loss and navigate the grief process in our own way.


I want to share with you ways that you as your child’s parent can be present and guide your child in the grief process. Please know that the below are just a few strategies to practice. Working with a child therapist can give your child space to heal and grow. Are you ready to start grief counseling? Click Here to get started to today.

2 Ways To Help Your With Grief


1. Working With A Child Grief Counselor

Try working with a child and family therapist. Therapy gives your child the opportunity to address the emotional challenges connected to the grief process. In addition, the counselor can support your child and family system in understanding the grief stages and how to navigate each stage of grief in a healthy manner. Click here to check out supportive prompts for grief.


2. Get Your Child Journal Writing

Writing is a wonderful way to help your child express their thoughts and feelings in a safe, reflective, and constructive manner. As a counselor, I have seen over and over the positive transformation that comes from journal writing.

Learn To Help Your Child Manage Their Behavioral And Mental Health Challenges With Journal Writing.Your child is able to use the journal to write down their feelings, explore emotional challenges that they are experiencing, and more.

A supportive tool to help your child with journal writing is found here. It’s called Becoming Your Best Version.






Are you ready to start Counseling?

Please feel welcome to reach out to me by calling 336-663-6570 or emailing [email protected]

You can also schedule online today by CLICKING HERE

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