What Drives Our Need for Praise? Is it Healthy or Unhealthy

Why do we seek approval from others? Is it healthy? or Can it lead to anxiety, sadness and even depression. One of the most difficult personal battles to overcome is accepting that we do not need others praise or feedback to feel good about ourselves. At times this obstacle becomes overwhelmingly difficult when we seek the approval of individuals who are close to us. These people include family members, longtime friends and significant others.

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How To Stop Fighting In Front of The Kids

In my professional experience I have had what seems like too many clients come and see me due to their child exhibiting new “negative” behaviors. These new behaviors are more than often seen as the child being more quiet, shy, non-talkative, and withdrawn from the family. As the therapist, I ask the parent(s) the magic question, “If you could pick one thing that caused this change in your child what would it be.” The answers are often, “Maybe someone in school is bullying them,” or “I don’t know,” or just a blank stare as they wait for me to provide them with some insight that can solve their problems. The answer isn’t always easy for parents to see.

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