Trauma Therapy in Greensboro, NC
- Do you have trauma that you have never dealt with?
- Does carrying your trauma cause you to struggle to manage your emotions?
Counseling can help you deal with your emotions and regulate them. Versus pushing yourself to go with them and not deal with them.
What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Trauma is connected to the diagnosis, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. CLICK HERE for a full definition of PTSD under the Diagnostic Statistical Manual. The term trauma can manifest in different ways. For some trauma is connected to an abusive experience while for others trauma can relate to witnessing a horrific event.
Trauma doesn’t always show up as something loud and obvious to see. Your trauma may show up in the form of depression or anxiety. For instance, if you have experienced a terrible car accident. You may notice that while in a car your heart rate is elevated and before sleeping you spend more time than usual thinking about worry-related situations that could happen while driving.
Common Types of Traumatic Experiences:
- Disasters.
- Domestic Violence.
- Bullying.
- Medical Trauma.
- Complex Trauma.
- Early Childhood Trauma.
Journal Prompts For Healing After Trauma:
Today, consider what your trauma is. You can do this by journal writing on the following topics:
- The trauma I have experienced impacts my body in the following way.
- My trauma is defined as?
- What I most remember about the trauma is?
- I am processing the following about the trauma. CLICK HERE for more trauma journal prompts and workbooks.

How To Begin Healing From Trauma
1. Find calmness in the trauma.
Start by stopping, taking a deep breath, and asking yourself if you are coming from a place of support or attack. Often this process can help you navigate situations in a healthy and constructive manner. A manner in which you are able to navigate the situation and emotional experience with empowerment.
2. Learn the trauma triggers.
Get to know your triggers and how they impact your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. You can start by documenting 14 days of your life with a focus on identifying the triggers that negatively impact you. During the process practice patience, self-awareness, and ongoing documentation.
3. Build a healthy support system.
Create a support system that you can communicate with and that supports you. The goal here is to find people that you can be vulnerable with.