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Counseling For Middle School Teens

Counseling For Middle School Teens

Are you searching for a counselor to help your middle schooler? Let’s be honest, middle school is hands down a challenging season of life. At Santos Counseling we work closely with surrounding private, public, and charter middle schools in the Greensboro community.

Middle school is an explorative and often difficult time for many students. Kids enter middle school around the age of 11 years old and complete the process at 13 or 14 years old. During this time, children experience physical growth, emotional ups and downs, and social changes.

Counseling can play a pivotal early treatment role for middle schoolers. At Santos Counseling we strongly encourage parents to consider taking action early instead of waiting for an incident to take place. The reason for this is simple. If your child has a built relationship with a counselor they trust, they can get an early start in working on their mental health. This can include starting counseling in Elementary school to prepare for middle school.

What Are Common Challenges Middle Schoolers Face?

This is a great question and one that you can probably talk to your middle schooler about. You can also think back to your time as a middle schooler. During middle school, kids experience a variety of challenges. Some of the common challenges middle schoolers face include:

1. Academic pressure:

When your child starts middle school, they will experience an increase in the number of classes taken, pressure on performance, complex courses, and an increase in the workload. The increase in academic pressure can lead your middle schooler to experience an array of mental health symptoms.

2. Peer relationships:

Middle school is often defined as a time of peer pressure and challenging social relationships. It’s helpful for your child to have a counselor who can help them with peer pressure, developing healthy relationships, learning to communicate effectively, and navigating friendships.

One common challenge associated with peer relationships that middle schoolers experience is bullying. Stop bullying does a wonderful job at discussing the types of bullying, warning signs, and cyberbullying.

3. Emotional and physical changes:

During middle school, your child experiences hormonal fluctuations that can have an impact on their self-esteem. The hormonal changes can include changes in height and voice, growth of facial hair, acne, and other hormonal growth changes. 

4. Identity development:

Middle is often described as when kids form their personality, values, and overall sense of self. This is can be a fun and challenging time of life for kids. Having a counselor during middle school can give your child a place to talk about their values, integrity, leadership, and sense of self.

5. Social media:

According to the study, Windows of development sensitivity to social media, a decrease in life satisfaction was associated with an increase in social media use. It’s important to know that this reference serves more to encourage parents on the window of vulnerability during the ages of 11 to 13 years. As such, you can help your child by enforcing healthy practices connected to social media. For more on social media and mental health click here.

What Are The Signs and Symptoms That May Indicate the Need for Counseling?

For kids in middle school, these challenges can lead to mental health difficulties. Some kids in middle school experience their first signs of depression or anxiety. For others, it’s noticeable that managing emotions becomes a little more difficult. This can lead to academic decline or behavioral issues in the classroom or sports field.

According to the CDC, kids ages 3 to 17 have a mental health diagnosis. The common diagnoses include anxiety, ADHD, behavioral problems, and depression. It’s important to know that having a mental health diagnosis can often increase the chance of a second condition. The CDC found that about 75 percent of kids with depression also have anxiety. About 1 in 3 kids with behavioral difficulties also experience depression.

Below are more signs and symptoms that your middle schooler would benefit from counseling.

  • Going through mood swings.
  • Difficulty focusing on their school work.
  • A loss of interest in activities.
  • Having a hard time making friends.
  • Engaging in risky behavior like drugs, lying, or stealing.
  • Persistent sadness.
  • Withdrawing from family and friends.
  • Having a hard time controlling frustration.
  • A noticeable decline in grades.
  • Having unexplained physical complaints. These are often associated with unaddressed mental health challenges.
  • Not showing interest in their schoolwork.
  • Avoiding social situations.
Interested In Counseling?
If you are not certain, please list what you feel would be the most important primary service to start with. The intake coordinator will support you during the scheduling process.
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Ways Counseling Can Help Your Child With Academics And Career


1. Academic Support

Counseling can help your child receive support for academic areas. This can include helping middle and high schoolers develop effective study habits, organizational skills, and time management strategies.

In counseling your child can work on identifying and addressing learning barriers. Such as habits that negatively impact their school performance. Counseling supports kids to enhance their academic performance and stay engaged in their education.


2. Social and Emotional Development

Middle school can be a time when kids begin navigating the complexities of being a pre-teen and teen. Working with a counselor provides a safe space for your child to express their feelings, build self-esteem, and develop resilience.

Through individual counseling, your child can learn coping mechanisms to manage stress, anxiety, and peer relationships. 


3. Career Awareness

Middle and High School are points where your child will begin to be introduced to career concepts and goal development. Counseling will give your child the opportunity to get a head start, a healthy place to facilitate activities that help explore various professions, understand the relevance of their education, and begin thinking about future aspirations.

Counseling provides guidance and resources that can help your child navigate the challenges of middle and high school and begin laying the foundation for future success. Both in their school performance and overall life.